Luca Marx

An Introduction to Automata

Why are automata so interesting? Automata are so simple that they fit in many places and situations.

You can use automata

A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) is made of

and it works in this way: you are given a word w=a0a1an1

in the end the automaton computes a function


The automaton is called deterministic because at each step it is in a definite state.

The state summarizes the relevant features (relevant for the final decision to accept or reject the word) of the input processed so far.

The language of an automaton is just the set of recognized words, the language recognized by a DFA is called regular.

The alphabet is different from application to application, for example:

For example consider the following DFA


and consider the word "byyxy"


it is accepted because the automaton ends up in state q4 which is accepting.

The traversed states encode the relevant features of the word, for example state q2 says that a "b" and zero or more of "y" have been seen. State q1 means that for the purpose of further processing an "a" and a "byyx" (with any number of "y") are the same thing.

On the other hand the word "abx"


is rejected because the automaton is stuck in the non-accepting state q3.

So the automaton accepts a word if there is a path connecting the start state to the accepting state.

The same automaton can generate random words from its language by performing a random walk on its graph.

Another way to look at τ is as a set of adjacency matrices, one for every letter σΣ, defined in this way

Mij(σ)={1,if τ(i,σ)=j0,otherwise

Suppose you are given a word w=a0a1an1, to check if it is accepted or not you multiply the matrices corresponding to the letters


the elements Mij(w) count the number of paths #(qiqj)5 so if #(q0qi)=1 for some qiF then the word is accepted, otherwise it is rejected.

This can be seen easily for a length 2 path:


the term inside the sum is non-zero only if there is a path qiaqkbqj (and since the automaton is deterministic there can be only one).

Take the word "byyxy" as an example, we can take



which is zero except for the entry q0q4 thus the word is accepted.

Can we make a DFA more powerful?

Imagine a machine that can be in more than one state at a time, this amounts to changing the DFA definition of τ in this way


τ now returns a set of states for each transition, the result is called a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA)6.

Consider for example this NFA7


note that now, starting from q0, the letter "a" leads to two states q0 and q1 also "b" leads to q0 and q2.

Consider the word "abab", the NFA performs these transitions


which end in an accepting state.


Note how the fact that the automaton can be in more than one state at once introduces multiple paths.

Now the question is:

Does this kind of flexibility lead to a richer structure of the accepted language? Does an NFA accept a larger language than a DFA?

Surprisingly the answer is NO?

Given an NFA it is always possible to build an equivalent DFA that accepts the same language through the subset construction.

The idea is to take P(Q) as the set of states of the DFA (the powerset of the set of NFA's states) and to note that only a few of them will be needed.

Taking the previous example we can enumerate all the distinct states needed by the NFA

{q0} r0
{q0,q1} r1
{q0,q2} r2
{q0,q1,q3} r3
{q0,q2,q3} r4

adding the transitions the resulting DFA is


J. D. U. John E. Hopcroft Rajeev Motwani, Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation (Addison Wesley, 2006).



see for example  [1] Chap.2


I hope to write more about this when I will understand it better


we denote the set of words made by letters in Σ by Σ which includes also the empty word ϵ


since the automaton is deterministic it can be only 0 or 1


a set of states is accepted if it contains at least one accepting state


it accepts any word that contains an "ab" or a "ba"